Shah Rukh Khan, the King of Bollywood, treated his fans with a special birthday surprise on November 2 — the unveiling of the teaser of his much-awaited film, ‘Dunki’, also known as ‘Dunki Drop 1’. The occasion was celebrated like a grand festival by his devoted fans, and SRK marked the day by attending a fan event in Mumbai alongside acclaimed filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani and writer Abhijat Joshi. During the event, SRK shared insights about ‘Dunki’ and its journey to the big screen.
In his passionate speech, Shah Rukh Khan expressed his excitement about the film, stating, “Do-dhai saal se hum ‘Dunki’ bana rahe hain aur aaj uski pehli jhalak, uska pehla drop, the ‘Dunki’ drop — kyuki hum itne cool hain ki hum bhi drop bolte hain. Dunki Drop 1 aa chuka hain aura age bhi hum apni cheese dikhate rahenge,” revealing the dedication and enthusiasm the team has poured into the project over the past couple of years.
‘Dunki’ Drop 1, the teaser that was unveiled, marked the beginning of an exciting new chapter for SRK fans. It is a collaboration between Shah Rukh Khan and the renowned director Rajkumar Hirani, promising a unique cinematic experience that audiences eagerly anticipate.
Shah Rukh Khan shared the teaser on social media, describing ‘Dunki’ as “a story of simple and real people trying to fulfill their dreams and desires. Of friendship, love, and being together… Of being in a relationship called Home! A heartwarming story by a heartwarming storyteller.” He expressed his honor to be part of this journey and invited fans to join them. ‘DunkiDrop1’ has officially arrived, paving the way for the film’s worldwide release in cinemas this Christmas.
The star-studded cast of ‘Dunki’ includes exceptional talents such as Boman Irani, Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal, Vikram Kochhar, and Anil Grover, joining forces with Shah Rukh Khan to bring this heartwarming tale to life.
‘Dunki’ is a collaborative venture presented by Jio Studios, Red Chillies Entertainment, and Rajkumar Hirani Films. The film is produced by Rajkumar Hirani and Gauri Khan and has been crafted by the talented pens of Abhijat Joshi, Rajkumar Hirani, and Kanika Dhillon. Anticipation is high as ‘Dunki’ is set to grace the silver screens in December 2023, promising an emotional and unforgettable cinematic experience for audiences worldwide. Stay tuned for this heartwarming journey that is bound to leave a lasting impact on the hearts of viewers.