In a chilling turn of events, authorities in Uttar Pradesh have apprehended a woman suspected of orchestrating a disturbing plot involving the creation of time bombs using glass bottles. The arrest unfolded following the detainment of a man, tasked by the woman to fabricate these improvised explosive devices (IEDs), by the Special Task Force (STF).
According to STF officials, the detained man, identified as Javed, was intercepted en route to delivering the bombs to the woman. Shockingly, he disclosed that he had been contracted by the woman, who remains unnamed, and was promised a significant sum of Rs 10,000 upfront, with an additional Rs 40,000 upon successful delivery of the bombs.
The modus operandi involved the concoction of lethal explosives comprising gunpowder, iron pellets, cotton, and Plaster of Paris, ingeniously housed within glass bottles. Javed's resourcefulness in sourcing materials, including glucose bottles and iron pellets from local establishments, sheds light on the meticulous planning behind the scheme.
It is revealed that Javed's expertise in bomb-making was largely self-taught, drawing inspiration from his uncle, a firecracker manufacturer, and leveraging online resources such as YouTube and the internet for guidance. The utilization of commonplace items like watches further underscores the sinister simplicity of the devices.
The woman's motives, as disclosed to officials, trace back to the communal riots in Muzaffarnagar in 2013, which resulted in the destruction of her home. Fearing a resurgence of violence, she purportedly sought to arm herself with these explosives as a means of defense and deterrence.
Disturbingly, the woman admitted to having previously harbored similar bombs at her residence, indicating a premeditated intent to resort to extreme measures in the face of perceived threats.
The apprehension of the woman and the man involved underscores the vigilance and swift action of law enforcement agencies in thwarting potential acts of terror and violence. However, it also serves as a stark reminder of the persistent challenges posed by radicalization and extremism within society.
As investigations continue to unravel the intricate details of this alarming plot, authorities remain vigilant in safeguarding communities against threats to public safety and security.